Termed Out

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Los Angeles Braces for a Storm

Los Angeles Braces for a Storm

The winds of change reach Los Angeles as the court date for Prop R approaches. With the presiding judge granting the motion to place the Prop R Legal challenge on the August calendar, the forces of Los Angeles have lined up to do battle. Attorney Steve J Reyes of the Law Firm Kaufman Downing LLP—representing both the League of Women Voters and the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce—has requested the court date be set on August 26, 2008.

Having no objections, Attorney Eric Grant, representing David Hernandez and Ted Hayes has agreed. Prop R, which was placed on the November ballot by the Los Angeles City Council in 2006, extended the term limits of City Council members to an additional four years. This was done under the guise of “ethics reform” and as a result combined two issues on a single ballot measure violating the states “single issue” clause. The ballot measure campaign, heavily funded by major business interests, convinced voters registered in Los Angeles to vote for the measure and it passed.

David Hernandez presented the legal challenge and enlisted Mr. Hayes to participate. Hernandez residing in the San Fernando Valley and Hayes a resident of Downtown Los Angeles, represent a vast cross section of individuals living in the Los Angeles area. The matter will be heard in the 2nd District, Court of Appeal, Division 8, 300 South Spring Street, 2nd Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90013, 213-830-7000.

In a year charged with political intrigue, the defeat of Prop R on “unconstitutional grounds”, will set the stage for a major political frenzy leading up to the March 2009 city elections. The immediate consequence will be six open city council seats with no incumbent eliminating the usual advantages enjoyed by incumbent office holders.

Those impacted by the legal challenge and decision to strike down Prop R will be: Council President Eric Garcetti Dist. 13, Janice Hahn Dist.15, Ed Reyes Dist. 1, Dennis Zine Dist, 3, Jan Perry Dist. 9, Richard Alarcon Dist. 7, and Jack Weiss Dist. 5. With the exception of Councilmember Weiss, who is running for City Attorney, all are seeking a third term.

In addition to the impact on current city council members, the defeat of Prop R will represent a major loss for the lobbyists and other special interest groups in Los Angeles. The measure was drafted by a law firm in San Francisco, which represents the Los Angeles Lobbyists and Public Affairs Association and was termed by its opponents as a measure “written by Lobbyists for Lobbyists.”

A victory on August 26, 2008 will represent the largest political accomplishment by activists and community groups since Prop 13. As the political muscle of Los Angeles amasses to protect a well-funded, well-entrenched and seemingly invincible machine, the Winds of Change will engulf every corridor of City Hall.

Respectfully,David Hernandezwww.termedout.com

http://www.kaufmandowning.com/client.phphttp://www.lachamber.com/http://www.eric-grant.com/http://ethics.lacity.org/pdf/election/propr2006_yes_contributions.pdf http://www.courtinfo.ca.gov/courts/courtsofappeal/2ndDistrict/http://www.lacity.org/council/cd13/http://www.lacity.org/council/cd15/http://www.lacity.org/council/cd1/http://www.lacity.org/council/cd3/http://www.lacity.org/council/cd9/http://www.lacity.org/council/cd7/http://www.lacity.org/council/cd5/http://ethics.lacity.org/efs/public_election.cfm?election_id=37#S147


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